- Can I overclock my mining machine?
- Do Avalon components come with a warranty?
- Does Avalon offer product extended warranty services?
- How are repair costs calculated?
- How are shipping and customs fees calculated during repairs?
- How can customers report a malfunction?
- How can I check for abnormal operation and error codes?
- How can I check if an Avalon product is still under warranty?
- How can I configure Avalon products for mining (network, mining pool, miner, account, rewards, transactions)?
- How can I download product management software, manuals, and firmware?
- How can I find a target machine among many in the farm?
- How can I monitor and manage the operating status of Avalon products?
- How can I reduce the power consumption of my mining machine?
- How can I restore my machine to factory settings?
- How can I set a fixed IP for my Avalon product?
- How can I upgrade the mining machine’s firmware?
- In which regions does Avalon provide repair services?
- Is the warranty period based on the repair request time or when the product arrives at the service center?
- Under what conditions will Avalon’s warranty be voided?
- What are the environmental requirements such as ambient temperature and humidity for using Avalon products?
- What are the network requirements such as internet speed for Avalon products?
- What are the power input requirements such as Voltage, frequency for Avalon products?
- What conditions are required to provide on-site repair services?
- What is Avalon’s after-sales repair policy?
- What is Avalon’s after-sales warranty policy?
- What is Avalon’s DOA policy?
- What should I do if my mining farm is dusty?
- What should I do if my mining farm is humid?
- What should I do if the machine's hash rate is lower than expected?
- What should I do if the mining machine keeps rebooting?
- Why is the mining machine indicator light yellow?
- Why is the power indicator blinking green?
- Why is the power indicator light not lit?
- Why is the power indicator showing red?